Thursday, May 25, 2006

Secretary of State talks about leading edge technology in SC

The State queried Secretary of State Mark Hammond
about what he could do to promote economic development. He responded:
Promote South Carolina Business One Stop ... (a state Web site that makes) it easier to obtain the proper registrations and permits needed to start a business in South Carolina. This allows businesses to focus on more important tasks, such as opening their doors, hiring employees, and providing goods and services.
The SC Business One Stop is a leading edge technology in the country that allows a small business to determine what is required and then to file all the forms necessary to get the permits, licenses and registrations from multiple state agencies at one time. This is a tremendous time saver for small companies in SC. What is really cleaver, though, is that the system interfaces with the existing legacy systems of the various agencies, and it allows each agency to maintain their own set of business rules independent of other agencies. Without that, the SC Business One Stop would never have gotten off the ground.

The SC Business One Stop was developed by TiBA Solutions in Greenville, which has a strong track record of successful implementations of large, complex, mission-critical systems like this. I'm working with TiBA to help figure out how to sell the Business One Stop technology to other states. It's wonderful to be talking with others across the country about how SC is on the leading edge. TiBA has an incredible staff of IT professionals who are a bit of well kept secret in the state. We're working on that too.

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