Tuesday, July 25, 2006

South Carolina Student Retention Study Released

Here is the summary of a survey of 1,900 students from colleges throughout South Carolina conducted to understand how many of our college students plan to leave South Carolina after graduation and develop strategies to keep them in the state. View the Study.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Very interesting information in there. That needs to be turned into a more online-friendly HTML / Flash presentation--Power Point slides are worse than openning a PDF in a browser.

Russell said...

Here's an easier to navigate version. I hope this works better.


Anonymous said...

I don't quite see how *any* such study could be considered as representative of South Carolina as a whole unless USC had participated, and I am curious as to why their data is not included.

Nonetheless, this is interesting, though in some sense hardly surprising. If this is to be useful, then next year there needs to be a cross reference to other states, and students also need to be asked about their own reference points. Can they really be thinking that Columbia is "big" if they have been to Atlanta?

(I also think it would help in the "progressiveness" category if the presentation itself didn't have grammatical errors in it, but alas, this is South Carolina and literacy is not one of our strong points.)