Saturday, May 07, 2005

InnoVenture MicroBusiness

Over the past year, I have had numerous conversations about how to have more diverse participation in business organizations I am a part of, from InnoVenture to the Chamber. One of the recurring issues that comes up over and over is that most African-American and Hispanic businesses are micro-businesses, with four or fewer employees. Often the owner can not afford the time away from the company, or the financial cost of participation is too high, for an activity that is not directly relevant for their business today.

I have come to believe it is important to focus on the needs of micri-businesses, in order to prime the pipeline of the growing businesses of tomorrow, especially in the African-American and Hispanic communities. So if I can find a Chairman and Executive Committee willing to organize the event, I am interested in having an annual InnoVenture MicroBusiness Conference.

If you are interested in participating, please let me know.

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